Exactly 10 years ago, April 2014, Copenhagen Pilates Studio hosted our first BASI Teacher Training course! On the 15th of June 2024 we will celebrate our 10 years of wonderful collaboration! A mat class, round table and small workshops will be offered at our host studio for all students and graduates in Denmark.
10:00 – 11:00 Mat class Natascha and Olivia (Both members of the international BASI faculty)
11:15 – 12:15 Round table discussion The Pilates industry is evolving fast all over the world. This is an open forum to inspire each other and share your thoughts.
12:15 – 13:30 Lunch break and socializing We will serve refreshments, fruit and sandwiches (all included in the price)
13.30 – 15.00 Mini movement workshops
15.15 – 16.45 Mini movement workshops
16.45 – 17.00 Gathering and goodbye
Mini movement workshop with Natascha Eyber
Founder of Pilates House in Munich, holds BASI Pilates license for Scandinavia, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. How to create an advanced matclass with beginners exercises. Teaching a Pilates matclass can at times be challenging due to different levels in one group. The more advanced people want to be challenged, at the same time we cannot put other participants at risk teaching the advanced work. In this workshop we will learn demanding modifications on the beginner’s repertoire, discuss how much precision matters and how the principal of flow enhances the endurance, so all participants will benefit equally from the session.
Mini movement workshop with Jessie Lee
Founder of Copenhagen Pilates Studio and Danish Wounded Warriors Project, Pilates and Gyrotonic teacher Breath in motion: Cultivating ease and fluidity in Pilates there is a strong emphasis on cultivating an expansive breath that synchronizes harmoniously with each movement. However, you don’t necessarily get better at breathing by breathing, often you need to focus specifically on the areas that are restricting the breath. Postural patterns, prolonged desk bound work and respiratory problems cause tensioning and tightness of
the thorax, shoulders and neck and ultimately affect the ability to breathe well. We will explore simple and specific exercises on the mat, that facilitate a more effortless breathing, using props such as a soft ball, elastic band, a towel and an arc. The exercises are beneficial
for clients of all ages.
Date: 15th of June 2024
Time: 10:00 – 17:00 (incl. break)
Registration under: admin@copenhagenpilatesstudio.dk
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